Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Few Minor Changes

Well, despite the explicit instructions otherwise I mixed antihistamines and alcohol and the last thing I remember I was on the blogger template and google image search and now I have a new layout I guess. The underlying theme of my blog is medical waste so I guess it's appropriate.
Anyway. A longer explanation is coming that sounds a lot more eloquent, but basically I'm not really a new nurse anymore and I don't want people mistaking my stupidity for novice, so I'm probably gonna change the blog's name at some point. Maybe. Whatever. I'm open to suggestions is all I'm saying. Go!


  1. New nurse, in the hood ---> Nurse, in the hood

  2. In the Hood, RN or Hood Nurse.

    or, Nurse Hood. :(

    That's all I got......

  3. +1 for Nurse in the Hood!

  4. I second Cartoon Characters' "Hood, RN" or "Hood Nurse"

  5. Medical waste ((snort))!

  6. For the name, I like Nurse Hood.

    Another suggestion: I read this blog on my phone and iPod. A mobile version would be great.

  7. How do I do that? I am totally open to the idea but it would have to be explained to me in a series of simple pictures, because I'm pretty bad at the internet.

  8. Nurse in the Hood or Nurse Hood. Love your blog!

  9. I am the one who complained (as politely as possible) and wanted you to know I love the new background. Thank you!

  10. You got a mobile version. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

  11. I don't mind the "new", because it gives the whole name a good ring, but if you feel more comfortable without it, go for a change. Love the blog and like the background, too!

  12. How about HoodED RN? LOVE the new look and your blog!
