Monday, July 19, 2010

What do you want from me?

Being the mature person that I am, me and one of my work buddies have tagged a new name for the ICU in our hospital- the BU (Bitch Unit). Not to say that some of the people that work there aren't really cool or hard workers- there are always exceptions to the rule- but I swear when we bring people up they are just looking with everything they have for something, anything to whine about.
I took care of a guy today in my trauma room (along with my other 3 sick/crazy patients) who was a train wreck. He was delirious with a fever of 103.7- his blood sugar was high enough that the meter couldn't read it and his heart rate was about 150. I hung all kinds of fluids, did an insulin drip, gave pretty much every medication the admitting doctor ordered in addition to the 500 ER meds, sent the AM labs, started 3 IVs and labeled all the sites. Pretty much brought the guy up to the ICU spick and span with nothing for them to do. Now, while trying to get his temp down he happened to be stuck in the trauma room with the broken thermostat, because the ER is ghetto, so I just left him naked with a sheet on. I didn't bother to put a hospital gown on for the trip up because they always change it- I swear you could have a patient code in the elevator and those bitches would stop compressions to change the gown. So what do you think was the only thing they had to say to me when I brought the patient upstairs?

Yeah. "Where's the patient's gown?"

Really? Okay, fine. Nothing is going to make you douchebags happy, is it, so screw it. I'd get the same treatment from you turds if I stayed and did my your damn admission assessment for you and hung all your meds as if I brought the patient up with a field IV and no catheter and no information about the patient, so why put myself out? After all, I am just a lazy ER nurse.


  1. Ahh, the classic ER vs ICU battle. Nobody's ever happy, you're right.

    I'd be super thankful if an ER nurse brought a patient that well settled to our unit. Usually there's much to be done, the least of which is a gown, haha!

  2. From this day forward, it will be forever known as the BU. Thanks Hood Nurse!

  3. I think everyone has the same thing to say about ICU RNs...... ;) me bad.

  4. Sounds like a something I had happen to me awhile back. I let the ICU nurse say her piece with a smile plastered on my face until I turned to leave and I ask sweetly "is this your only patient tonight (knowing full well it was)? I continued quickly saying "That it must be nice to care for a person as sick as this 1:1 instead of 3:1 like I was forced to do. After all I reasoned, it gives you time to do those little extra's you seem to think are more important then the basics".

    Oddly no response for little miss know it all.

  5. OH SNAP. I am totally pulling that one out next time. In your face, bitches.

  6. Try taking care of an ICU RN in Labor. Now THAT's a treat. Almost as bad as taking care of a TEACHER.

  7. It's the lady ICU nurses who are beyond anally retentive not the dude's...we don't care about gowns!

  8. BU unit...since i am a new ER nurse My preceptor thought it would be funny sending me to take my first patient to ICU alone with the tech. The other nurses giggle and said don't let them chew and you up and spit you out. So i tried to be prepared for it...and they were right...they fused that they weren't ready yet and just smiled and say well i am new at this but I called ahead and someone up here said you were if you weren't I wish someone had told me I would have been happy to hold off..i guess she figured cause I was new i would go back crying...wrong....i always was taught be nice to your enemies it pisses them off

  9. I´m kind of glad to see that in Portugal nurses have the same problems getting allong.
    I worked at an OR and transfering a patient to UCI it's hard, because de BU always change the gown, the drips....
    kisses from portugal

  10. I agree with ICU RN now SRNA. I'm a female ICU nurse myself -- I enjoy hanging out with the guys at work mostly. Much more relaxed.
